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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Clear Limiting Beliefs & Heal: A Powerful 4-Step Process


Clear Limiting Beliefs & Heal: A Powerful 4-Step Process


Embarking on a healing journey is both exciting and daunting. It requires confronting our deepest thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, some of which may have been ingrained for years. But through this journey, we find liberation and transformation.

Today, I want to share a method that's been instrumental in my own healing – a method for clearing out old blocks and beliefs, making space for growth, authenticity, and self-love.


Step 1: Unleash Your Inner Voice – Freewriting for Emotional Release


The first step is tuning into yourself. Give yourself permission to express your thoughts and emotions freely, without judgment. I call this "word vomit." Simply grab a pen and paper, and let your thoughts flow freely. Start with "I am feeling..." and see where it takes you. No need to filter or censor – just be fully present with whatever arises.


Why it Works: Free-writing helps uncover...

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Finding Freedom: My Journey Away from Organized Religion.


There was a time when I realized organized religion was no longer for me. Organized religion provided structure, community, and a sense of belonging. However, as I embarked on my own healing journey and embraced intuitive practices, I discovered there were things holding me back from living my best life. And organized religion was a big one! 

We're raised with so many thought processes and belief systems inside of organized religion that I realized they were not lining up with my goals, where I wanted to go in life, and who I wanted to be. 

These feelings of not being enough, of feeling unworthy, of living my life to hope that in the end, it was enough to be accepted by this God that somehow I was supposed to bow down to and worship and raise him above no other.

This "not enough" narrative weighed heavily on me, urging me to live in constant hope of being accepted by a higher power. It felt like I was supposed to somehow live this impossible life!

The realization became...

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