Who is

Gina Strole?

Gina Strole is a renowned Intuitive Healer and Psychic Medium known for her profound insights and transformative work in the realm of spirituality and energy healing. As the founder of "Soul School for Spiritual Mastery," Gina has dedicated her life to empowering individuals on their spiritual journeys.

With a deep understanding of energy, intuition, and the human spirit, Gina has become a trusted guide for those seeking clarity, healing, and personal growth. Her innate gifts as an Intuitive Healer allow her to connect with higher realms of consciousness and provide profound insights to her clients.

One of Gina's passions is sharing her wisdom with others, and she does so generously. She offers a valuable resource for spiritual seekers by providing a free download of her "7 Spiritual Hygiene Habits to Master Your Energy," as well as her β€œIntuitive Healing Connection Podcast”. Her tips serve as a foundation for maintaining spiritual and energetic well-being in an often chaotic world.

Gina Strole's mission is clear: to help individuals harness their inner power, connect with their higher selves, and embark on a journey of spiritual self-discovery. With her guidance, you can navigate the realms of energy, intuition, and spirituality with confidence and grace, ultimately achieving a more profound understanding of yourself and the universe around you.


She was formally trained in several healing modalities withΒ almost twoΒ decades of experience.

She was introduced to healing when she desired to heal herself from her past traumas and pain.

From there, she has gone on to helpΒ thousands of clients heal from their pains ofΒ life.

She tailors healing using a combination of modalities specific to each client.


Are you ready to let go of pain and be in love with life?

Work With Me

Gina Strole

Gina Strole is an Intuitive Healer and a spiritual coach. She supports her clients on their healing journey by clearing and releasing blocks in their energy system so they can fully step into their power. She was formally trained in several healing modalities with over a decade of experience. She tailors healing using a combination of modalities specific to each client. She has helped thousands of clients step out of their shame and guilt and step into their power and growth. Gina’s work includes guided meditation, self-paced online, in-person classes, manages a healing community, and 1:1 sessions.

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                          Creating Change from With-in       


πŸ’ŽImagine a day where you feel so in love with life, with your family, and nothing can get you down,

πŸ’ŽFeeling firm and grounded in who you are and where you want to go.

I am an Intuitive Energy Healer, Psychic Medium, and Spiritual coach, and I teach my clients and students to stand in their own power, live their lives unapologetically, and enjoy feelings of gratitude and love daily.


        Why I do what I do! 

When I found energy healing over a decade ago, I quickly discovered that I could change my own life!


I used to feel powerless in my life, but energy healing gave me back power.

I grew up in a very religious family; there were so many rules to follow for how I could behave. I didn't feel I could think for myself.

I knew I could see things that I was pretty sure others weren't seeing. I had mediumship abilities, but I didn't have a name for it, and it didn't fit into what seemed acceptable for me and my life at the time. I suppressed my natural abilities instead of embracing them.

I felt such conflict between what I was being taught and what I felt and saw. I felt that my abilities didn't fit into the religious views. 

Finally, I reached a point where life was squeezing me so much, and the Western world didn't seem to have the healing answers for me that I needed. 


I sought out spiritual development courses.

The first course I took cracked open these healing abilities and visions waiting for me to be ready for them! 

I started seeing waves and patterns, past life stuff and needed to learn how to incorporate that into my life and manage the sudden fear that came with it.

The fear was not about being a medium and having gifts; it had to do with going against the church, my upbringing, and wondering if I really wanted to be a medium. Was that what I was here on this planet to do?

One thing was sure, though - there was no turning back. 

I focused on energy healing for myself and developing my connection with spirit and quickly surpassed my teachers in my knowledge. This was so ingrained in me that I decided to turn to my own spiritual team to further my learning.

Spirit started coming in more and more to assist in Intuitive Healing Sessions with clients, so I sought out a well-known medium to further develop my skills to bring spirit communication into my intuitive healing work.

While I'm not a "traditional" medium in the sense of the people you see on TV, my mediumship abilities are a healing tool for myself, my clients, and my students (though I can see dead peopleπŸ˜‰). I like to say we do 80%healing and 20% spirit. I will always allow visiting loved lines to visit in healing sessions. They are a big part of our healing. But in my experience, it is not the spirits' job to heal us. They can help, but we have to take responsibility for our own journey. 


My healing work with clients came out of my own healing journey. 


During 1:1 healing sessions, I can hold the space to call in your guides, my guides, and open the space for true healing to begin.

Every session is different and unique to your specific situation. No two sessions are the same! 

I use a multi-layer approach to healing to access your emotional, physical, and spiritual levels, allowing you to connect with how you're feeling and what your ego is doing. Together, we can clear all the energetic baggage, enabling you to feel lighter, release the emotions' pain, and allow your physical body to heal. 

The results have been excellent, which is why most of my business has been built by word-of-mouth referrals.

Over time I discovered that the spiritual side of life is as natural as anything else. We weren't meant to close ourselves off from our gifts or feel like we need to hide them or that there is something wrong with us. 

Once you reach the place where you realize your gifts, knowing how to develop them and have them enhance your life is, well… life-changing!

You, too, have the tools inside you to change your life!

Working with an experienced healer is life-changing. It helps you to utilize the tools you already have inside. 


Whether you are just discovering your gifts or well along your spiritual path, you are welcome here.

This is a "judgment-free" zone, and I'm thrilled you have made your way through the internet clutter and found me.



What Clients are Saying



DeLis Roper

Sometimes in life, you find people who have a spirit that meshes with yours!!! Gina has that kind of spirit, is open and honest, and has such a special gift!! I would recommend her to anyone!!

Rini York, Acupuncturist

Sometimes we are given a gift from the universe so grand that we are humbled by its greatness. My session with Gina was one of these gifts. From the moment we began, I knew that she was a gifted healer. She guided me safely and skillfully to unlock and clear lifelong patterns, quickly identified blocks, and lovingly and honestly gave clear feedback and wisdom, saying just the right words I needed to hear, giving me the right amount of responsibility and plenty of support. She created a safe container for me to go and dig up the blocks from the root, things I had tucked away for many decades. I left the session feeling reborn. As an acupuncturist and energy healer, I am quite particular and I would highly recommend Gina and I am so grateful for her assistance on my healing journey...Within 2 days of the session, I was able to finally step into my power, face my fears, and do the thing I had been avoiding for decades. I stood up for myself. The feelings that I had unlocked in the session have continued to clear, and I feel so much lighter, so much stronger. I cannot thank Gina enough for the session as well as her care and support in follow-up. If you are looking for profound, life-changing healing with a caring, funny, supportive and authentic person, you have found the right place!

  Fall in Love with Life Again

                ~Work With Me Privately ~ One on One or Discover an on Demand Class...


Abundance Activation Guided Meditation


Read more about my story...



FEAR BREAKTHROUGH: A Medium’s Journey to Embracing Spirit Audio/eBook

I always knew I was different. As a child, I could sense things that others couldn’t see or hear. I share my journey and insight about walking through and letting go of fear-based religious beliefs and truly coming to a place of glory and gratitude for my gifts.

If you are someone who is sensitive to energy, let me guide you to empowerment, confidence, and the freedom to enjoy being you!

Buy the book or Audio
Free Meditation

Not all healers are the same... 


Gina has over 15 years of experience working with Healing Energy. She has natural Healing Abilities that have always been with her in her life.

She did not understand them or learn to use them for many years. But once she understood, she went to work and studied everything she could get her hands on to bring you the most loving, healing experience. She has studied many modalities and uses many healing types to bring you the best healing experience.

She is a Psychic, Intuitive, Medium, and Healer, and her years of experience have created healing miracles for many of her clients. 

Many of her clients are experiencing physical pain symptoms that are not responding to medical treatments. After a few sessions with Gina, these issues are gone. 

Everyone experiences healing differently. We all heal at our own rate, but it is very possible to remove these physical issues quickly.

Gina has worked with hundreds of people, helping them release physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues, allowing the body to heal and hearts to be open.

As a medium, she allows Spirt to come through if needed for the healing process. 

As an intuitive, she sees things you may not be open to seeing yourself, allowing you to feel safe and secure while the healing process is in session.

To see more about Gina, visit her About Page.


[Energy work- Intuitive Healing Disclaimer] 

Nothing on this site is intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease – physical or mental. All information provided on this site is not intended as a substitute for regular medical care. The purpose of all information provided is to reduce stress, enhance health, and remove any dysfunction in the body’s bio-energetic system due to belief systems.

No information provided is to advise you to discontinue or to avoid medical or psychological consultations. No one connected with Gina Strole Intuitive Healing LLC practices under any license, such as a medical doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, chiropractor, lawyer, nutritionist, or naturopath. Any licensing board in the United States does not currently regulate energetic coaching.