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How to Cleanse a New Home Before Moving In.

I was recently asked to collaborate with other spiritually-minded people about clearing your home from unwanted energy. Redfin Blog has given you many ways to make a new home yours by clearing out the old energy. 

If you have been following me for a while, you know the importance of clearing your space. This article talks about moving into a different home and what you can do to clear the energy and make it your own. 

Please check out this very enlightening article and leave some love while there.





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Want to live a more spiritually-minded life?


Want to live a more spiritually-minded life??

Check out my Five steps to success for living a spiritually-minded life!

What the hell is that??

Well, let me explain.

We all come from spirit first. We started as a spirit, then we received our physical body and went on with life as a physical soul. We are spirit first, human 2nd.

As this human life takes over and we create beliefs and feelings, we tend to forget that our emotions become our emotions, and later they create an identity for us.

We forget that we are unlimited souls first as we go about our physical existence. When you hear about the awakening or “waking up,” this is being discussed.

It’s all about returning to the fundamental belief that we are spirit first. We are all Infinite Beings that have unlimited potential.

So how do we start this process?

I will give you some basic steps for waking up so you can start seeing your source’s eyes, start opening up to the basic knowledge you can be, and do...

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Spiritual Hygiene

Let's begin with some Spiritual Hygiene 101.

What in the world is Spiritual hygiene?

 Just like your physical body, you have a spiritual energy body!?! 

Did you know that your spiritual energy body needs maintenance and self-care just like your physical body? 

If you have ever taken any classes from me, you know I preach it to the rooftops. 

Spiritual Hygiene is more important than taking a shower to me. 

Let me explain.  You have these beautiful energy layers on the outside of your body. You also have an energy system on the inside called the Chakra system.  

These systems work together to help your body run smoothly. When things go wrong in the physical body, it always starts in the energetic body first. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to clear out this energetic body often. 

If your energy fields are full of junk, you need to clear them out to make space for love and light. 

Filling the body with light, with love, and...

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