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Gina Strole

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The Power of Healing Our Past

I woke up today thinking about an interesting topic. Politics. Now I know that sounds a bit crazy, but hear me out.

I love picking things apart and seeing all aspects of life through spiritual eyes. And what better place to see that than inside a hot topic place like Politics?

That makes or breaks families. Religion and politics are two topics I was told never to discuss at the table,

The thoughts I was having were about the topics, or "issues if you will, that seem to be all over the media.

It seems that everyone has an opinion about what's right or wrong, and they are hitting social media to prove their point.

I don't know if you caught the view last week with Whoopi Goldberg and Judge Janine Pirro, but Woopie got up and left the stage and kicked Judge Janine out of the studio because of her remarks that Whoopie didn't agree with.

Seems a bit Crazy to think that this is the society that we have come to.

Crazy from the outside, but it makes so much sense when you look at it...

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