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Full Moon Healing With Gina Strole and Rini York. You can find out more about Rini at


Full Moon Healing

What is all the hype about the full moon? I mean, seriously, It happens every month, and what is the big deal? 

Well, let me tell you.  I love the full moon. I love its beauty and its meaning of a beautiful ending to energetic things and an opportunity to set intentions for the new beginnings with a new moon coming after this beautiful moon subsides. 


It also has a downside. The full moon’s energy can create an adverse effect on those sensitive to this Intense energy source.

Let’s back-up and start with the basics. 

 For starters, let’s look at the spiritual meaning. 

 What is the spiritual meaning of the full moon?

 The full Moon shares the symbolism of the circle as an image of wholeness and strength. The Chinese associate it with the essence of Yin and the feminine; to Buddhists, it represents spiritual power. 1

The full moon can allow us to feel energized and social if we tend to be already more...

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How do I know If am an EMPATH?

Are you an Empath? Well, let’s find out. 

Let’s first start with understanding what an Empath is. 

An Empath is extremely sensitive to the energy around them to the point these emotions become their own. 

Empaths feel, sense, know what others are thinking and feeling, and immediately takes these feelings on as their own without even realizing what they are doing. Yikes!

Empaths see the world differently than other people; they’re keenly aware of others, their pain points, and what they need emotionally.

An Empath is someone who feels more empathy than the average person

Empaths are usually accurate in recognizing emotions by looking at another person’s face. They are also more likely to acknowledge feelings earlier than other people. 

Empaths have a big heart and will act compassionately to help that person express herself. 

Empaths experience empathy towards family, children, friends, and close associates but usually, give too...

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