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Gina Strole

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Something big is about to happen.


I have been feeling this rumbling inside; have you felt it?

To me, it has felt like an underground volcano getting ready to erupt. I lie in bed at night, and I can feel it in my chest. Tossing and spitting and rumbling, waiting for its moment to explode.

No one can see it yet, but it's coming. I don’t know what this volcano symbolizes, but I can feel it getting ready to destroy beliefs and old foundations.


When this happens, it's going to be a major upheaval.



Maybe your rumbling is a feeling of anxiety, maybe its extreme tiredness, or a feeling of unrest and lack of peace. Maybe you are struggling to sleep.

Whatever it is for you, I know it feels uncomfortable. And any time we feel uncomfortable, it challenges us to either make changes or stay in the same misery that got us here in the first place.

I have felt that changes are coming to our outside world, and with these changes, we are going to be asked to make changes in...

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