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    The Abundance

                         Boot Camp Course

                                      Doors are open. 

Are you ready to create a life of abundance and growth?

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Are you ready to release your biggest MONEY blocks and live the life you have always dreamed of?


Let this year be your best year yet!!!


Ready to get started?

Use Code ABUNDANCEBOOTCAMP50 and get 50% off the course NOW! Sale ends soon. 

Pay in full

$555/ now $99.

On Sale NOW!!

 Are you ready to bring in more money?
You will finally be able to release your money wounds to create the life you desire.
We all deserve to live an abundant life, and will a little help and some new tools, you will create that life for yourself. 
What you'll get:
  • Extensive healing, coaching, and teaching all about Creating Abundance
  • Access to the Kajabi Classroom anytime to watch 16 pre-recorded classes
  • Healing sessions in the classes to clear out your old beliefs and feelings about money. 
  • A full Meditation Vault to help accelerate your healing.
  • Gratitude Journal Download (44.00 Value)
  • A $2173 Value for $555
  • Instant access after purchase.
Yes, I'm Ready

Payment Option

$75.00 ~ 2-payments

Make Payments

  • Regularly 2 payments of 288.00 but now on sale
  • Make two payments of $75.00.
Start Payments

Are You Ready to Release Your Biggest Money Blocks?

  • How would it feel to break through your biggest money blocks and no longer worry or have fear with money?
  • Would you like to release that pit in your stomach when you look at your money?
  • Would you like to release the sadness of not being able to do what you want to do?
  • Would you like to open up your checking account and feel excited to pay your bills? 
  • Would you like to discover your blocks holding you back and leave them behind forever?
  • Are you ready to discover your self-worth in the process? Going from a place of feeling unworthy to deserving?
  • Would you like to learn more about creating abundance in your life every day and live the life you have always desired?
  • Does your life feel out of balance because of money?
  • Are your thoughts frequently on not having enough? 


 Would you like to learn how to create abundance in your life every day?


Meet your

Abundance Boot Camp Coach!

Hi! I'm Gina Strole

I'm a Psychic, Medium, Intuitive Healer, and a Spiritual Development Coach. My abilities and decade of experience allow me to see your money blocks and help you bust through them, bringing you to a place of worry-free understanding that you can have the life of your dreams. Working with thousands of clients has allowed me to hone in on healing and give you precisely what you need to bring about lasting changes in your thoughts and beliefs—eliminating old ideas, beliefs, and feelings and replacing them with new, healthy ones. 

Let's get real. Can I help you? Let me share my story with you. 

I was raised in a home where we always talked about not having enough. I learned to fear money. I struggled for many years living in that fear. 

As I became an adult, I dreaded opening up the bank account and seeing that there wasn't enough to pay the bills. I used to dread talking about money or even thinking about the bills I had due. 

I stayed in a place of a constant worry. My reaction to the problem was based on my beliefs. I had learned to believe this way.

Because  I had learned to believe this way from my beliefs and family patterns, I never dared to dream of having more than enough. To live a life that I thought only rich people could have. 

Now I live a life that is bright and full. My husband and I travel the world together and have manifested many miracles along the way! I have worked through my energy blocks and have made miracles happen in my life, and I would love to offer you that same healing. Changing your beliefs about money and healing is the key to releasing the past and capturing your future.  

Abundance comes in many forms. Money, health, joy, love, support, and many more. I can support you as you discover the abundance available to you. And it is your right to tap into it!! Yes, you deserve to have money. Yes, you deserve to live in freedom and abundance.

Because of my years of experience, I see patterns, stories,  and past life connections. I also specialize in deep inner-child healing. (this is healing on your childhood experiences.) To bring about lasting changes. Requires you to do the hard work. It requires you to tap in fully, to be coachable. I am not a one-and-done girl. But with I am not a one-and-done girl. With my support and healing, You will manifest the life you have only dreamed of. 

This is all an inside job!!! Are you ready to get real and make some lasting changes???

Common MONEY Blocks You May Have:

  • Money doesn't grow on trees.
  • Money is the root of all evil.
  • Money is hard to get.
  • You have to work hard to get money.
  • Easy come easy go.
  • Rich people are greedy.
  • It must be nice for them to have money.
  • Having money makes you a bad person.
  • Money never shows up for me.


Any of this sound familiar? These are MONEY blocks!

And we will work on all of them and release all of them!


Abundance Boot Camp Course

Take Action!



  • Extensive healing, coaching, and teaching all about Creating Abundance
  • Access to the Kajabi Classroom anytime to watch 16 pre-recorded classes
  • Healing sessions in the classes to clear out your old beliefs and feelings about money. 
  • A full Meditation Vault to help accelerate your healing.
  • Gratitude Journal Download (44.00 Value)
  • A $2173 Value for $555
  • Instant access after purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Course Includes:

  • Extensive healing, coaching, and teaching all about Creating Abundance
  • Access to the Kajabi Classroom anytime to watch 16 pre-recorded classes
  • Healing sessions in the classes to clear out your old beliefs and feelings about money. 
  • A full Meditation Vault to help accelerate your healing.
  • Gratitude Journal Download (44.00 Value)
  • A $2173 Value for $555
  • Instant access after purchase.

If all this sounds amazing, well, this is just the tip of the iceberg!!

The person that you will become as you do this work will blow you away!!  

What are my students saying?

Rini York, Licensed Acupuncturist & Healer

Sometimes we are given a gift from the universe so grand that we are humbled by its greatness. My session with Gina was one of these gifts. From the moment we began I knew that she is a gifted healer. She guided me safely and skillfully to unlock and clear lifelong patterns, quickly identified blocks, and lovingly and honestly gave clear feedback and wisdom, saying just the right words I needed to hear, giving me the right amount of responsibility and plenty of support. She created a safe container for me to go and dig up the blocks from the root, things I had tucked away for many decades. I left the session feeling reborn. As an acupuncturist and energy healer, I am quite particular and I would highly recommend Gina and I am so grateful for her assistance on my healing journey....Within 2 days of the session, I was able to finally step into my power, face my fears, and do the thing I had been avoiding for decades. I stood up for myself. The feelings that I had unlocked in the session have continued to clear and I feel so much lighter, so much stronger. I cannot thank Gina enough for the session as well as her care and support in follow up. If you are looking for profound, life-changing healing with a caring, funny, supportive and authentic person, you have found the right place!


DeLis Roper

Sometimes in life, you find people who have a spirit that meshes with yours!!! Gina has that kind of spirit, open and honest, and has such a special gift!! I would recommend her to anyone!!


This healing journey has been helpful in helping me move forward with areas that I needed healing. I remind myself, I can, I will and I am!!