Welcome to the Special Healing Meditation Bundle. 

Energy healing meditations are life changing, and the best part, they are easy.

All you need to do is set aside 15 minutes a day, plug in your headphones, and listen. The healing energy will do the rest. 

Are you ready to heal on a deep level?

Let's Go! Get the for only $11.11

Here is what you get for only $11.11

Grab 6 energy healing meditations for only $11.11 NOW 


Here is what is included in this Special but Powerful Energy Healing bundle.

 It would cost $40 if purchased separately, but here, it is only $11.11

What are my clients saying


15 minutes has changed my life. I listen every day..

I am manifesting great things that I have desired for years. My business has grown, and the best part. I feel happier than I have ever felt. Amazing 

I highly recommend Gina and all of her services. She has changed my life in massive ways. 



I have found more freedom in my life than ever before. I am finding myself relaxing and going with the flow more. I love his new me that is emerging. I am letting go and trusting in life so much more, and it feels amazing in my body. I highly recommend all of Gina's meditations.  Her healing work is deep and profound. 



I was frustrated, feeling so impatient and angry all the time. I didn't really understand it. I have been working with Gina now for a few months, and my anger has disappeared, and I feel more like myself. I am at ease most days. My anxiety is disappearing, and life feels so much easier. I listen to the meditations every day and feel the calming healing energy that comes with them every time I listen. Thank you, Gina, for changing my life. 



What do you have to lose???? Try these Meditation's now.


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